All You Need Is Love {Our Valentine’s Day}


We love Valentine’s Day in this house!  I know it’s kind of a made-up holiday, but hey, a day to remind the people you love how special they are sounds like a good idea to me!  We traditionally start our Valentines morning with a special breakfast.  Every year that we’ve been married the time this breakfast has to start gets earlier and earlier.  I guess that means we’re growing up.  I set my alarm for 5:30 to make this breakfast since Nathan’s out the door by 6:50, but let’s be real, I actually got up at 5:55.


It’s not exactly a “pretty” breakfast, but it’s exactly what Nathan loves, and that’s the point, right?  He calls pancakes, waffles, French toast and muffins “a waste”.  I think he means, “it has no meat”.  So, we had breakfast burritos.  These are so easy, I pulled them together in about 10 minutes.  I browned and drained a roll of sausage, then scrambled 6 eggs and cooked them on low with a sprinkle of shredded cheddar cheese, a splash of milk and a chopped tomato.  I had the idea to add the tomato at the last minute, but since we didn’t have one, I just picked out all the diced tomatoes from a salad leftover from the night before.  Very classy.  When that was all done, I just rolled about 1/4 cup of filling up like a burrito in the tortilla.  I think there was enough filling for about 8 burritos.

Pink Valentines Roses

I came home from teaching last night about 9 pm to find these beautiful pale pink roses and a long handwritten note from Nathan.  I cleared off the usual coffee table decorations to make room for the flowers so I can look at them this afternoon when I have students at home.

Pink Valentine Roses


On a different note, I enjoyed shopping my closet this week to pair together some new outfits from stuff I already own.  Shannon at Our Storybook Blog calls these sorts of posts “Modest Frugal Fashion”.  I couldn’t name it better!

I like to dress up to teach my students, and by “dress up”, I mean look put together.  I wear dark jeans, a nice shirt or sweater and cute shoes most of the time.  I teach little kids in their homes, so while I enjoy showing them respect by dressing up a little, more formal clothes aren’t always practical or necessary.  In the summertime, I go almost exclusively to dresses and skirts, which I love. With cold Illinois winters, I sometimes have trouble pulling together dresses this time of year.  And even though I like feeling a little more dressed up, I’m too cheap  to go out and buy lots of new things we have to stick to our budget and be grown up so we have money for boring things like electricity and insurance and an emergency fund.

Thus, shopping in my own closet.  I think this outfit turned out pretty well.  Please excuse the Myspace-style photos of myself.

Frugal Fashion

(Real Life Remodeling: That bin of clothes in the background is my “closet” right now while our real closets are out of commission.)

Dress: TJ Max, 3 years ago.  I’ve had it a long time, but hardly worn it.  I bought it in the summer (it’s sleeveless), but it never really worked as a summer dress.  I like it this way much better.

Sweater: Target (they still have them, in lots of colors) for $19.99

Belt: Several years ago at Maurices

Leopard Flats: Target in January, on clearance for $7

Frugal Fashion