Happy St. Patrick’s Day + Lucky Charms Cupcakes

I hope all of you had a great weekend like we did!  This was our first weekend together since we’ve been done with the big remodeling projects at our house.  We did a lot of this….

100_1908….and this.  Basically, it was a relaxing weekend in which we didn’t get too much accomplished.  Oh well, you need one every now and then.

Photo on 2013-03-13 at 09.08

My fun project yesterday was making some festive cupcakes for the Sunday night small group we have at our house.  All it took was a box white cake mix, green food coloring, packaged frosting (the fluffy, whipped kind) and Lucky Charms.  Some desserts I can justify as healthy, but definitely not this one.  It falls in the “festive” category.

Green St. Patrick's Cupcakes

I dyed the cake batter green and when they came out of the oven, since I was in a hurry, I popped them into the freezer for 5 minutes.  They were cooled off enough at that point to frost and decorate.  Cute and easy!  It would be a fun project to do with a little kid!


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Chocolate Pie + Coconut Whipped Cream

I made this new recipe for chocolate pie the other day, and it turned out way different than I expected.  Instead of being a pudding consistency, it was almost like a gooey brownie.  It. Was. So. Good.


2 cups white sugar

5 Tablespoons cocoa powder

1/4 cup flour

1 12-oz can evaporated milk

1 teaspoon vanilla

4 egg yolks

1/4 cup butter


First, I took a refrigerated crust and pressed it into the 9-inch pie pan.


In a medium saucepan, I stirred together the sugar, flour, and cocoa.


Then, I whisked in the can of evaporated milk.


Before turning on the heat, I added the egg yolks and butter.  It’s really important to mix this all together before turning on the heat and keep whisking constantly to keep chunks of egg from forming.  I know this from experience-Chunky Egg Pie, anyone?


I cooked and stirred just until all the butter had melted.


Finally, I poured the filling into the pie crust and baked it at 350 for 35 minutes, until the pie wasn’t “wobbly” when I shook it.


I wanted to try something a little different from my usual whipped cream, and I keep seeing stuff pop up on Pinterest about Coconut Milk Whipped Cream.  It was a great replacement for whipped cream, and Nathan really liked it, but I can’t say I will make it again.

All I did was open a can of coconut milk- the milk was separated into thick “cream” and some watery liquid.  I drained the liquid and put the thick cream into a bowl.  I whipped it for about 3 minutes with a tablespoon of sugar and a splash of vanilla.
